If you've spent any significant amount of time in the dating world, i.e. if you weren't swept up out of high school by the quarterback of the football team or didn't marry your chem lab partner, you're well aware that dating is like sparring on a battlefield (thank you Pat Benatar).
Each and every slip up gets tallied and counted against you at the end of each date night. The good news is though, that while you might lose some points and battles, when you win, you win big. You might walk away with a whirlwind romance, a hot steamy night or even a love that lasts a lifetime. So the bottom line is, you can't reap rewards without taking a risk. But when we say take a "risk" when it comes to dating, we don't mean with your beauty. Not to sound like your mother, but the best beauty tips and advice we can give you for a big date is to be and look like yourself. You want to enhance your natural beauty attributes, not change them or mask them with gobs of makeup and hairspray. With that said, there are a certain number of date night dos and don'ts to follow when it's time to get ready for and during a date.
Dating after all is about first impressions. Yes, they have to like your personality, but in order to do so they can't be distracted by an Oompa Loompa orange tan or a too strong fragrance. When things are just getting started, you have to be careful about the beauty products and looks you experiment with. Here to share some date night beauty tips are Janice MacLeod and Marni Kamins, authors of "The Dating Repair Kit" and "The Breakup Repair Kit." They share their dos and don'ts for dating, which will hopefully help you find the new love of your life, who eventually won't care if you have lipstick on your teeth or greasy roots. Tip 1: LipsDO "wear lipstick or lip gloss that is flattering to you," says MacLeod and Kamins. Take this quiz to find the best lip color for your skin tone.
DON'T "wear a harsh red [lipstick] or other colors that will look like you and your date sucked back a box [of] cherry popsicles after you make out. A lip stain is helpful in this regard," they say. Try NYC New York Color Cosmetics Smooch Proof 16HR Lip Stain, $4.99
Tip 2: MakeupDO "pay close attention to your makeup. Over-blending concealer is better than under-blending. We want to enhance our look, not look like someone we are not," says MacLeod and Kamins.
DON'T "wear mascara that makes your lashes look like spider webs. You may be thinking he's gazing into your eyes when he's really thinking you look like Tammy Faye Baker," they warn. Try a clump-proof formula like L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes Mascara Black, $8.99.
Tip 3: ParfumeDO "wear a light scent to turn him on." Try an eau de toilette like Burberry The Beat, $48.
DON'T "wear so much of it that he gags," says MacLeod and Kamins. You'd rather be safe then sorry, so mist some into the air and walk into it rather than spraying it all over your neck and clothes.
Tip 4: HairDO "aim to give your hair a relaxed look. Loose curls win over a tight bun. You're out to have fun. Make it look that way," explains MacLeod and Kamins. See this video tutorial on how to get the perfect beachy waves.
DON'T "make your hair look so relaxed that you look like you just woke up. Save that look for when you actually do wake up next to him," they say. Tip 5: BreathDO "consider your breath earlier in the day. Bad breath is a good reason for him not to give you a smooch at the end of the night. So lay off [on] the garlic bread and potato leek soup at lunch," say the ladies.
DON'T "chew gum all night in an effort to keep your breath fresh. It's not as attractive as you may think," they explain. Instead opt for breath freshening strips like Listerine Pocketpaks Breath Strips, $3.96.
Tip 6: ComplexionDO brighten your complexion with a faux-glow. Dust a subtle bronzer likeSmashbox Soft Lights, $29.70 on your cheeks, nose, chin and temples.
DON'T spray tan the night before. You don't know how the tan will turn out (orange streaks, blotchy patches) and chemical smell tends to linger on your skin for a day. If you're determined to get an all-over glow, opt for a good buildable self-tanner like St. Tropez Every Day Gradual Tan Mousse, $30 and apply two to three days in advance. That way you'll have time to fix any mistakes and won't smell like a cocktail of chemicals and pina colada.
Tip 7: Hair removalDO shave the areas you usually shave, and pluck the hairs you usually pluck.
DON'T get a lip or brow wax if you've never had one the day before. You might have a reaction that won't look pretty -- especially when covered up with too much concealer. The same goes for any kind of bikini wax. If you've never had a Brazilian, trying one before the first date is not a good idea.
Tip 8: PrepDO come prepared with lip makeup, concealer and oil blotting papers so you can touch up as needed to look fresh and polished all night.
DON'Tever use any of the above mentioned products at the dinner table in front him. No one wants to order their filet mignon while you're blotting oil from your forehead or primping and prodding yourself. Tip 9: NailsDO wear a pretty neutral shade like Essie Nail Polish in Ballet Slippers, $8 on your nails or go bare with just a clear top coat.
DON'T try glue on nails, stick on nail art or anything that could pop or peel off by desert. It's seriously the last thing you'll want to think about.
WARNING: The following beauty tips are from a man, therefore, should be taken with a big, hefty grain of salt.
Alright, now that the elephant in the (virtual) room has been spotted and smacked with a handy warning label, let's get on with the beauty tips, shall we?
Skip to see beauty tips from a man and what he really thinks about your beauty.
The truth is, no matter how much of a feminist or "you should love me for me"-type of woman you are, you still probably care what your heart's desire thinks about your looks. It's natural to want to look attractive for your mate. It's also natural to want to know if he actually even notices some of the beauty practices you spend cumulative hours on. Like, does he appreciate the fact that you spent an extra half-hour in the shower exfoliating and shaving every last inch of your body, not to mention racked up the water bill? This got us thinking, when it comes to beauty tips and tricks, what is worth spending precious time on in preparation for a big date and what isn't?
We decided to investigate by asking readers what they do beauty-wise to get ready for a romantic night with a man. We mostly heard things like whiten teeth, fake tan, wax, apply extra sexy makeup and the like -- with the occasional "wrap your entire body in a big red ribbon with a big bow where it counts"-advice. We then took those practices to Ky Henderson, Editor-in-Chief of ModernMan.com and dating columnist, to tell us if all these beauty tweaks actually get noticed. Here he drolly offers some beauty tips for your next big night out.
Tip 1: Don't worry about your nailsQuestion: Should I bother getting a manicure before our first date? Are you looking at my nails?
Answer: "You should do it if it'll make you feel sexy and confident. But unless you're sporting horrific nail fungus, have a forest of knuckle hair, or get blinking neon rhinestones embedded in your nails, guys won't really notice your nails all that much."
Tip 2: Make hair smell goodQuestion: I usually spend an hour straightening or curling my hair, do you care what texture it is?
Answer: "It probably depends on the guy. Just make sure it's soft and smells good." Tip 3: Don't paint your faceQuestion: What makeup look do you think is sexiest?
Answer: "Painting a whole new face on top of your face isn't attractive, so subtle makeup is good. Eyeliner and a subdued lip gloss are probably all you need. Maybe mascara. Watch out with foundation or powder or whatever it is you call it. If it's obvious you have it on -- and it often is -- it's not a good look."
Tip 4: Don't have a unibrowQuestion: I can get crazy plucking my eyebrows in front of a magnifying mirror to get every little baby hair, are you looking at the shape of my eyebrows?
Answer: "If you have a unibrow, gigantic caterpillars, or terrifying overly plucked crazy-chick brows, then yes. Otherwise, not really."
Tip 5: Go easy on the perfumeQuestion: Do you love it when I wear perfume?
Answer: "In very small doses, sure. We shouldn't be able to smell it unless we're pretty close to your neck."
Tip 6: Have soft skinQuestion: I make sure to exfoliate all over my body really well, do you notice?
Answer: "We like soft skin. But we don't think, 'Oh, she's so exfoliated!'"
Tip 7: Only wear falsies on special occasionsQuestion: I like to apply fake lashes for a date to make my eyes look big and flirty -- do you find that sexy?
Answer: "There's a fine line between flirty lashes and tranny lashes. Don't make them too ridiculously long and wear them only for special occasions."
Tip 8: Lip gloss is your safest betQuestion: Date night is lipstick night for me, do you like it when I wear bold, bright colors to draw attention to my lips?
Answer: "If you're all dressed up and it's a special occasion, sure. Or if your look is kinda punk rock it may also work. But don't overdue it. Also, a lot of guys find lipstick off-putting, so stick to lip gloss when possible."
Tip 9: Don't stress about blackheadsQuestion: I'm convinced that my date cares about how clear my skin is, which is why I get regular facials. You are looking to see if I have blackheads, right?
Answer: "Jesus. No."
Tip 10: Shave the parts that countQuestion: I spend extra time in the shower shaving off everything. Is any body hair a turn off?
Answer: "Depends where it is. Shave your legs and pits. Your ... area is more up to you as long as it's kempt."
Tip 11: Don't be orangeQuestion: I apply sunless tanner to give myself a glow. Do you like me better bronzed?
Answer: "Pretty much everyone looks better with a little color. No one looks better when they're orange. So make sure you're not orange."
If you've ever watched even a single episode of "America's Next Top Model, you know that it takes a helluva lot more than saying "cheese" to look good in a photograph.
Those wannabes spend countless hours testing and trying the expert tips they're taught to figure out their best angles, learning how to "find the light " and mastering the "smize" -- Tyra-speak for smiling with your eyes -- before even having professional hairstyles andmakeup done to be shot by a top photographer. The kicker? More times than not, the judges aren't even impressed by their photos.
The scoop on posture"Stand up straight," implores celebrity stylist Beau Quillian who has styled the likes of Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan and Jessicas Biel, Alba and Simpson. He says that when it comes to posing, posture reigns supreme.
"Good posture can take off five pounds," he advises, adding that it's equally important not to stand with your hands at your sides.
The smile testTo look great in every photo you need to figure out the smile you're most comfortable with. "Practice in the mirror," counsels Quillian. "See if you like a semi-smile better than a big toothy one. Or, maybe you look good smiling with no teeth. A lot of people think they have to go with a default giant grin, but that may not be your best smile."
The key to avoiding a frozen stareClearly there's a difference between being snapped at a bar between shots of Jaeger Meister and posing for dozens of portraits at your sister's wedding.
"If you 're going someplace and you 're going to be photographed a lot don't hold the smile for multiple photos -- let it go and then start again with a fresh smile," cautions Quillian. If you don't, "by the second or third snap you'll end up with a frozen look."
Quillian also thinks that people shouldn't be shy about rearranging a shot. "If someone asks you to pose with a group and you prefer to be on the left side, go ahead and ask people to scooch -- whatever makes you comfortable -- remember, a photo lasts forever."
The DL on Facebook profile picsForever shouldn't be how long you keep the same Facebook profile picture. Quillian says "I love it when my friends change their picture -- it's more interesting -- I admire people who are constantly refreshing their image."
What makes for a great Facebook shot? "I think that it's really about choosing what represents YOU," Quillian contends.
The 411 on adapting your makeup for different lightingCan your makeup affect how you look in a photo? "Absolutely," says celebrated makeup artist Tina Turnbow who's worked with celebs including Mariska Hargitay, Amanda Peet and Vera Farmiga.
"What works well for pictures is using enough makeup to enhance your features but not so much that you overwhelm them," says Turnbow. "Don 't overdraw your lips and do not contour too heavily. In a picture everything is more obvious, so use restraint!"
The kind of light you'll be posing in makes a difference too. Natural sunlight is the most unforgiving and will show every flaw and drop of makeup so, if you're posing outdoors, keep your makeup natural.
Alternatively, fluorescent bulbs wash out color and blur definition. So, if you're having an office headshot taken, add some color and definition back to your face with blush and naturally drawn lip liner. The makeup tricks to use before every photoRegardless of the light, "even out your skin," says Turnbow. For the most natural finish, use yellow-toned foundations and concealer since pink ones look fake in photos.
"You definitely want to define your eyes," adds Turnbow, who advises against getting overly dark eye makeup because heavy shades can look harsh. "Don't go too black and be sure to blend, blend, BLEND!" And, enhance lips by going a shade darker than you normally do.
"Remember," summarizes Turnbow, "in a picture, everything is more obvious. So be attentive to detail!"
The five rules pro photographers recommend you live byPractice: "One of the differences between most of us and people who pose for photos for a living, is that we don't have very much practice having our photo taken," says Stiles. So don't be afraid to use your bathroom mirror to practice (no one will know except for you!).
Do your homework: "We all have our good and bad angles; the trick is knowing what they are," insists Stiles. Horne concurs. Take time to "look at pictures you've been in and see what angles you look best at and try and stick with them.